I didnt realize how hard it is to mix colors till I started painting. Even if I were to do this monochromatic it would be difficult to figure out how to adjust the saturation against the value. This is probably going to turn out like a 7 year olds watercolor painting.
A good start, pretty good likeness. I am starting with a value painting first, as I want more practice with it.
Yeah, definitely a good likeness. I would recommend starting with a layer of colour over your sketch set to about 50% opacity, this will give you a medium value to work from, and it makes camparing values much easier than when you start with a blank white canvas.
Good job!
This is great and such a good likness but fill the back in with a wash and it help as l forgot this and it desn't help me but three chairs for your painting
You have a good shape there to start. Hang on in there, I've had to make some big changes after doing a value picture. I started painting and now its gone a sort of green colour. Looks like Herman Munster.Just chipping away at it something will come out at the end
This site rocks! I dig it.
Stay cruel,
Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence, but simply cant progress beyond this point and I can see now Im not ready to paint colors. Im going to have to go back and do a monochomatic painting, in fact Im watching lesson 4 to see how monochromatic painting is done as it is a lot more complicated than I thought. Hopefully then I can apply that knowledge to color.
Hey seriously great likeness so far! Glad to hear that you're focusing on getting the values down. Using color can be a little weird when you first start out.
Here's a little trick that I use to help me sort of get the colors the right brightness. You can go up to the "Image" > "Mode" menu, and change the entire image to grayscale like Jason does with the color photos. You can also click on your top layer, go to the "Layer" menu, select "New Adjustment Layer" > "Hue/Saturation", and then pull the saturation slider all the way down to -100. Then whenever you want to see if you need to brighten or darken your colors, you can just click the adjustment layer off or on. This REALLY helps out!
Thanks for that tip Craig. With color you have one slider for darks and one for lights, but with greyscale you only have one for both which is so much more easier. But that is a good idea though, I will try it.
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