Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alan Rickman as Metatron

This one is based on his character in the movie, Dogma. Still working out the values (and the wings), then I'll add some colour. Since values have always been my challenge, I'm enjoying doing caricatures grayscale first and then using Jason's colour technique. I still end up painting in colour over all of it, but this helps me get a good base.


Brett W. McCoy said...

Too cool! I knew who it was before I even saw the post title. Nice work!

arquebus said...

Really nice work on the feathers, they look really soft.

Doug said...

Awesome painting. I agree about the feathers. I like the composition too. The sky and feathers together framing him are really cool. The coat's a little blurry to me and not as much as his face but more than the feather's. That combo seems a little hard to make out. Great job overall.

Richard Watts said...

Great caricature, the feathers are masterful.

Patrick LaMontagne said...

Thanks, folks!

I was worried about the feathers, but it sounds like I'm on the right track so far.

Doug: Not quite sure what you mean...if you mean the coat isn't defined enough, I agree and I'll fix that. Thanks! If it's something else, let me know, please.

Asier M. López said...

Oh Yeah!very nice Monty!!